Recent & Upcoming Talks


Agile Approaches to Training Prescription

The prescription of physical training is a challenging task because human performance is affected by a range of interrelated factors. Navigating this complex space is best achieved through an agile planning approach where training prescription is adjusted in response to adaptation and fatigue. This presentation discusses planning frameworks that allow for responsive training prescription. Topic to be covered include iterative planning cycles, autoregulation, non-linear periodisation, velocity based training and the use of GPS.


Biokinetics Podcast

A discussion with exercise scientist and conditioning coach Dr Jason Tee on the acute:chronic workload paradigm

Rugby Renegade Podcast

Jason discusses the pitfalls of the Acute Chronic workload ratio, how to return to sport following covid 19, integrating rugby and physical preparation and how to work in a multidisciplinary team.

Practical Solutions to Applying a Tactical Periodisation approach within Rugby

We are delighted to offer a live webinar on the Practical Solutions to Applying a Tactical Periodisation approach within Rugby. The panel will consist of, Mike Ashford (Rugby Coach and PhD Student from Leeds Beckett), Jason Tee (Visiting Fellow at Leeds Beckett and Denmark Sevens S&C coach), Brett Igoe (Senior Lecturer at Carlow IT and Leinster U18 Assistant Coach), and Michael Ayres (Senior Lecturer – St Mary’s University, Chelsea FC Academy and Leinster Rugby)


A Complex Systems Approach to Injury Prevention Research

This talk discusses the understanding and implications of complexity theory for sports injury research, and will propose alternative approaches that acknowledge complexity and as such may be more fit for purpose.

Blending science, art and coaching: Tactical periodization for rugby

The tactical periodisation model has been widely used in soccer as a holistic performance model that allows for the technical, tactical, physical and psychological to be trained within the same coaching session. More recently, high profile rugby coaches have stated that they have begun to use the model and approach within their rugby coaching. This talk describes the methods and how it can be used to improve team performance.


Strength Training for Coaching Success

This talk explores a robust process for prioritising training goals for athletes participating at a semi-professional, university level. The process described advocates for first developing movement proficiency, before developing, strength, power and energy system capacities. The second half of this talk explores the use of various technologies to inform the training process.

Modelling Training to Prevent Injury

Modeling training to prevent injury. Athletes walk on a tight rope - if they don’t train exceptionally hard, they won’t be competitive. If they train too hard they start suffering from fatigue and maladaptation. This talk explores contemporary methods of assessing and reporting athletes response to training to guide them through this process.